You have found the official PHP client library for Podio. It covers all aspects of the Podio API.

For help and bugs create an issue on GitHub.

Making API requests

Each of the classes in the models/ folder has a collection of static functions. You use these whenever you want to make API calls. Read more under Working with apps & items.

Reading the API reference

You can find API reference documentation at it lists all available API operations possible. Almost all of them have been added to podio-php. If you need one added feel free to open a pull request on the GitHub Project.

When you view an individual API operation (e.g. Search in space) you can see sample PHP code at the top. You can use this as a starting point when making API requests. For Search in space it’s:

PodioSearchResult::space(PodioClient $client, $space_id, $attributes = []);

The format for all API calls is the same. First the name of the class we’re working with (PodioSearchResult), then the name of the static function/API operation we are invoking (space). The first argument is always the PodioClient instance, then follow variables for the URL (in this case just the $space_id of the space we’re searching) followed by the object to use as the JSON request body (always called $attributes).

$attributes can either be an associative array or a Podio* object. If you already have a relevant Podio* object available you can pass it into the function as $attributes.

To continue the above example we can search the space with the space_id of 123 for the text Podio is awesome like so:

$search_results = PodioSearchResult::app($client, 123, ['query' => 'Podio is awesome']);

// $search_results now contains an array of `PodioSearchResult` objects that you can work with (see below).

You can see the expected structure for $attributes in the Request section for each API operation. You can preview your own arrays using json_encode($attributes) to see if it matches. If you have trouble see the section Debugging API calls.

Most API requests return either a PodioObject or a PodioCollection. They are flexible to work with.

File uploads

When you want to attach a file to an object (e.g. a comment, status message etc.) you first need to upload the file to Podio and obtain a file object. To upload a file use the static upload method on PodioFile:

$file = PodioFile::upload($client, $path_to_file, $filename_to_display);

print 'File uploaded. The file id is: '.$file->id;

File downloads

To download a file you must first procure a PodioFile object. If you already have a PodioItem, PodioComment etc. object you probably already have the file object. Otherwise you have to get it manually. After that use the get_raw method to download the file.

// Get the file object. Only necessary if you don't already have it!
$file = PodioFile::get($file_id);

// Download the file. This might take a while...
$file_content = $file->get_raw($client);

// Store the file on local disk
file_put_contents($path_to_file, $file_content);