Field reference
Below you’ll find examples for getting and setting field values for each of the fields available in Podio.
- Relationship / App reference field
- Calculation field
- Category field
- Contact field
- Date field
- Duration field
- Image field
- Link/embed field
- Location/Google Maps field
- Money field
- Number field
- Progress field
- Text field
Relationship / App reference field
Getting values
Values are returned as a PodioCollection of PodioItem objects:
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'app-reference';
$collection = $item->fields[$field_id]->values;
foreach ($collection as $referenced_item) {
print "Referenced item: ".$referenced_item->title;
Setting values
Setting a single value can be done by setting values to a single PodioItem object or by passing in an associative array of the item structure. The following are identical:
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'app-reference';
// Set using object
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = new PodioItem(array('item_id' => 456));
// Set using associative array
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = array('item_id' => 456);
When setting multiple values you can use a PodioCollection or an array of associative arrays. The following are identical:
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'app-reference';
// Set using object
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = new PodioCollection(array(
new PodioItem(array('item_id' => 456)),
new PodioItem(array('item_id' => 789))
// Set using associative array
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = array(
array('item_id' => 456),
array('item_id' => 678)
Calculation field
Getting values
Value is provided as a string with four decimals. It’s often nicer to use humanized_value()
which formats the number:
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'calculation';
print $item->fields[$field_id]->values; // E.g. 123.5600
print $item->fields[$field_id]->humanized_value(); // E.g. 123.56
Calculation fields are read-only. It’s not possible to modify the value.
Category field
Getting values
Category and Question fields function in the same manner. Values are provided as an array of options.
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'category';
foreach ($item->fields[$field_id]->values as $option) {
print "Option text: ".$option['text'].'. Option id: '.$option['id'];
Setting values
Set a single value by using the option_id. You can also add a value with add_value()
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'category';
// Set value to a single option
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = 4; // option_id=4
// Add value to existing selection
$item->fields[$field_id]->add_value(4); // option_id=4
Use an array to set multiple values
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'category';
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = array(4,5,6); // option_ids: 4, 5 and 6
Contact field
Getting values
Values are returned as a PodioCollection of PodioContact objects:
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'contact';
$collection = $item->fields[$field_id]->values;
foreach ($collection as $contact) {
print "Contact: ".$contact->name;
Setting values
Setting a single value can be done by setting values to a single PodioContact object or by passing in an associative array of the contact structure. The following are identical:
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'contact';
// Set using object
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = new PodioContact(array('profile_id' => 456));
// Set using associative array
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = array('profile_id' => 456);
When setting multiple values you can use a PodioCollection or an array of associative arrays. The following are identical:
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'contact';
// Set using object
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = new PodioCollection(array(
new PodioContact(array('profile_id' => 456)),
new PodioContact(array('profile_id' => 789))
// Set using associative array
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = array(
array('profile_id' => 456),
array('profile_id' => 678)
Date field
Getting values
Date field values have two components: The start date and the end date. You can access these through special properties, both are PHP DateTime objects. You can also access date and time sections individually. This is often preferred as the time component will be null for events without time.
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'date';
$item->fields[$field_id]->start; // E.g. DateTime or null
$item->fields[$field_id]->start_date; // E.g. DateTime or null
$item->fields[$field_id]->start_time; // E.g. DateTime or null
$item->fields[$field_id]->end; // E.g. DateTime or null
$item->fields[$field_id]->end_date; // E.g. DateTime or null
$item->fields[$field_id]->end_time; // E.g. DateTime or null
$item->fields[$field_id]->humanized_value(); E.g. "2014-02-14 14:00-15:00"
Setting values
You can simply assign values to the special properties to modify the field value. Both DateTime objects and strings are accepted. DateTime objects can be provided in any timezone and will be converted to UTC. String values must be provided as UTC values.
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'date';
// Set start date using DateTime
$item->fields[$field_id]->start = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', '2012-12-24 14:00:00', new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
// Set dates and times individually.
$item->fields[$field_id]->start_date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2012-12-24', new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$item->fields[$field_id]->start_time = DateTime::createFromFormat('H:i:s', '14:00:00', new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
// Setting end date and end time
$item->fields[$field_id]->end_date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2012-12-24', new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$item->fields[$field_id]->end_time = DateTime::createFromFormat('H:i:s', '14:00:00', new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
// Set start date using strings in various forms
$item->fields[$field_id]->start = "2012-12-24";
$item->fields[$field_id]->start = "2012-12-24 14:00:00";
// Remove values by setting their values to null
$item->fields[$field_id]->start_date = null;
$item->fields[$field_id]->start_time = null;
$item->fields[$field_id]->end_date = null;
$item->fields[$field_id]->end_time = null;
Duration field
Getting values
Progress fields return a simple integer representing the duration in seconds. Often you will want to use humanized_value()
for a formatted display. You can use hours()
, minutes()
and seconds()
to avoid doing your own math.
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'duration';
print $item->fields[$field_id]->values; // E.g. 3604 for one hour and 4 seconds
print $item->fields[$field_id]->humanized_value(); // E.g. "01:00:04"
print $item->fields[$field_id]->hours(); // E.g. 1
print $item->fields[$field_id]->minutes(); // E.g. 0
print $item->fields[$field_id]->seconds(); // E.g. 4
Setting values
Simply assign a new integer to set the value
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'duration';
// Set using object
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = 75; // One minute and 15 seconds ((60*1)+15)
Image field
Getting values
Values are returned as a PodioCollection of PodioFile objects:
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'image';
$collection = $item->fields[$field_id]->values;
foreach ($collection as $file) {
print "File id: ".$file->file_id;
print "File URL: ".$file->link;
You can download the files as usual
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'image';
// Download the first image
$file = $item->fields[$field_id]->values[0];
$file_content = $file->get_raw();
file_put_contents("/path/to/file".$file->name, $file_content);
Setting values
Setting a single value can be done by setting values to a single PodioFile object or by passing in an associative array of the file structure. You have to upload a file to get a file_id to use. The following are identical:
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'image';
// Upload file
$file = PodioFile::upload($client, "/path/to/file", "sample.jpg");
// Set using object
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = $file;
// Set using associative array
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = array('file_id' => $file->file_id);
When setting multiple values you can use a PodioCollection or an array of associative arrays. The following are identical:
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'image';
// Upload files
$file_a = PodioFile::upload($client, "/path/to/file_a", "sample_a.jpg");
$file_b = PodioFile::upload($client, "/path/to/file_b", "sample_b.jpg");
// Set using object
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = new PodioCollection(array(
// Set using associative array
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = array(
array('file_id' => 456),
array('file_id' => 678)
Link/Embed field
Getting values
Values are returned as a PodioCollection of PodioEmbed objects:
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'embed';
$collection = $item->fields[$field_id]->values;
foreach ($collection as $embed) {
print "Embed id: ".$embed->embed_id;
print "Embed URL: ".$embed->original_url;
Setting values
Setting a single value can be done by setting values to a single PodioEmbed object or by passing in an associative array of the embed structure. You will need to create the embed first. The following are identical:
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'embed';
// Create embed
$embed = PodioEmbed::create($client, array('url' => ''));
// Set using object
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = $embed;
// Set using associative array
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = array('embed_id' => $embed->embed_id);
When setting multiple values you can use a PodioCollection or an array of associative arrays. The following are identical:
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'embed';
// Create embeds
$embed_a = PodioEmbed::create($client, array('url' => ''));
$embed_b = PodioEmbed::create($client, array('url' => ''));
// Set using object
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = new PodioCollection(array(
// Set using associative array
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = array(
array('embed_id' => 456),
array('embed_id' => 789)
Location/Google Maps field
Getting values
Location fields returns an array with location data
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'location';
// Or just print the address:
print $item->fields[$field_id]->text;
Setting values
Set values using an array of location data
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'location';
// Set using array
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = array(
'value' => '650 Townsend St., San Francisco, CA 94103',
'lat' => 37.7710325,
'lng' => -122.4033069
// You can also set just the text part of the location:
$item->fields[$field_id]->text = '650 Townsend St., San Francisco, CA 94103';
Money field
Getting values
Money field values have two components: The amount and the currency. You can access these through special properties. The amount is a string in order to support very large numbers. Often you’ll use humanized_value()
which provides a formatted value.
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'money';
print $item->fields[$field_id]->currency; // E.g. "USD"
print $item->fields[$field_id]->amount; // E.g. "123.5400"
print $item->fields[$field_id]->humanized_value(); E.g. "$123.54"
Setting values
You can simply assign values to currency
and amount
properties to modify the value.
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'money';
// Set value
$item->fields[$field_id]->currency = "EUR";
$item->fields[$field_id]->amount = "456.00";
Number field
Getting values
The value of a number field is a string in order to support very large numbers. Use humanized_value()
to get a formatted string.
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'number';
print $item->fields[$field_id]->values; // E.g. 123.5600
print $item->fields[$field_id]->humanized_value(); // E.g. 123.56
Setting values
Simply assign a new string to set the value. Use a period “.” as the decimal point
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'number';
// Set using object
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = "456.89";
Progress field
Getting values
Progress fields return a simple integer between 0 and 100.
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'progress';
print $item->fields[$field_id]->values; // E.g. 55
Setting values
Simply assign a new integer to set the value
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'progress';
// Set using object
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = 75;
Text field
Getting values
Text fields return a regular string
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'text';
print $item->fields[$field_id]->values;
Setting values
Simply assign the new string to set the value
$item = PodioItem::get_basic($client, 123);
$field_id = 'text';
// Set using object
$item->fields[$field_id]->values = 'This is the new value for the field';